Ingredients and Equipment
- Milk (raw or not ultra-pasteurized)
- Your favorite flavor of plain yogurt (small container) Your yogurt will taste like your starter so buy the product you wish to recreate!
- Stainless steel or non-reactive pot
- Sterilized jars and lids to hold volume of yogurt you are preparing
- Candy thermometer
- Cheesecloth if you plan to make Greek style yogurt
- Strainer
Heat your milk in the pan slowly, stirring frequently. Pasteurized milk will need to be "scalded" and taken to 160 degrees fahrenheit. If you are using raw milk you will only need to bring it to 110. Use your candy thermometer to monitor the temp of the milk. I have an electric one that clips on so that I can watch the temp. It was $25, but worth the expense because I like to do cheese as well. A simple candy thermometer will do, but don't let it touch the metal of the pan.
- Cool milk to 110. At this point I like to take a cup out and add my starter plain yogurt, 1 tsp per pint you are creating. I like to whisk the cup of milk with the starter until really blended. you will find adding the starter to a large amount of milk is difficult. It tends to clump.
- Add your whisked starter and milk back to your milk at 110. Mix well.
- Pour your milk mixture into sterilized jars. I use my canning funnel for ease of pouring.
- Cap your jars and place in your dehydrator at 110. Leave for 4-6 hours. The longer you leave it the tangier it will become.
- For Greek yogurt place cheesecloth in a strainer. Place strainer in larger bowl. Pour yogurt in cheesecloth and allow to drain in fridge for 1-4 hours--until desired thickness is reached. Give the drained whey to plant or animals for high nutrition.
Eat over cereal. Use as a sour cream substitute. Use your canned jellies and mix for fruit flavored yogurt. Great in smoothies! You will find all sorts of uses. I frequently add to soups for a creamier texture.
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