Yep. I said it.
Facebook is dehumanizing.

Day after day I see people posting their 2 second soundbites to the faceless Facebook army, or as we like to call them "friends". I don't know about you, but my friends don't act the way I see these people acting.
My friends care about me. My friends know that what they say is important. My friends are not glib to me on a daily basis. They don't call me names like "stupid" or "moron" when I give an opinion that is contrary to theirs. If they see something off in me they take care to approach me with love. They value me.

What I see is an increasing amount of demoralizing and dehumanizing comments on Facebook. Someone says something they don't like and BLAH!-- they vomit on them.They don't think about the reaction the other person will have. They don't think about the reactions that ANYONE reading it will have (and chances are there are a ton of people reading it). I suppose they just don't care. All THOSE people are faceless. They are not human with feelings and lives, stresses or baggage. Those people are inconsequential.
Please think. PLEASE. The comments you make are going to real people with faces and feelings., They could be having a bad day, or their husband left them, or they were abused, or... They could be people who need encouragement. There are no simple issues. Life is complex and we ARE connected.
The next time you go to answer someone on FB--before you click a single key-- ask yourself if you were standing face to face with this person would say it and how would you say it? If you really care about what you are saying, you will want it to effect positive change. I don't change or consider rude people. And if you aren't into effecting positive change, you just want to be mean or cruel. Imagine if we committed to lifting people up with our words on Facebook instead of tearing them down? What you speak to in a man rises up. Speak joy! Speak peace! Speak life! There is no room in the world for poison, bigotry and hatred. Not in the world I hope to live in anyway.
Facebook is dehumanizing.

Day after day I see people posting their 2 second soundbites to the faceless Facebook army, or as we like to call them "friends". I don't know about you, but my friends don't act the way I see these people acting.
My friends care about me. My friends know that what they say is important. My friends are not glib to me on a daily basis. They don't call me names like "stupid" or "moron" when I give an opinion that is contrary to theirs. If they see something off in me they take care to approach me with love. They value me.

What I see is an increasing amount of demoralizing and dehumanizing comments on Facebook. Someone says something they don't like and BLAH!-- they vomit on them.They don't think about the reaction the other person will have. They don't think about the reactions that ANYONE reading it will have (and chances are there are a ton of people reading it). I suppose they just don't care. All THOSE people are faceless. They are not human with feelings and lives, stresses or baggage. Those people are inconsequential.
Please think. PLEASE. The comments you make are going to real people with faces and feelings., They could be having a bad day, or their husband left them, or they were abused, or... They could be people who need encouragement. There are no simple issues. Life is complex and we ARE connected.
The next time you go to answer someone on FB--before you click a single key-- ask yourself if you were standing face to face with this person would say it and how would you say it? If you really care about what you are saying, you will want it to effect positive change. I don't change or consider rude people. And if you aren't into effecting positive change, you just want to be mean or cruel. Imagine if we committed to lifting people up with our words on Facebook instead of tearing them down? What you speak to in a man rises up. Speak joy! Speak peace! Speak life! There is no room in the world for poison, bigotry and hatred. Not in the world I hope to live in anyway.