

Friday, December 7, 2012

Baked Delicata

Delicata is a wonderful squash that not many folks are familiar with. It is truly superb in that it is lightly sweet, unlike butternut.  Because of this you can make it savory or sweet.

To bake delicate simply split in half and seed, just like you see at the left.  Rub the flesh of the squash with olive or coconut oil.  Add desired spices, place flesh side down in baking dish, and bake at 375 until fork tender (about 45 minutes).

Possible spice rubs:

1 ts curry, 1/2 ts salt, 1/8 ts cayenne

sprinkle with salt and pepper

salt and cumin are one of my favorite

1/2 ts salt, 1/8 ts cayenne, 1 tbs brown sugar

1/2 ts garlic powder. 1/2 ts onion powder, salt and pepper

sprinkle with salt and brown sugar

1/2 ts ground mustard, 1/4 tsp onion powder, 1/8 ts garlic powder, 1/8 pepper, sprinkle with salt

Get creative.  Delicata will lend itself to whatever you spice it with.  Remove it from the oven, cut into 3 pieces and serve with skin.  The flesh should come out easily with a fork so nothing special is needed.  What a wonderful alternative to potatoes!

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