The people in Paris are quite refined. Their children eat with their knife in the right hand and their fork in the left--at four. They say please and thank you. Hundreds of years of living literally stacked on top of one another has left them quite refined in their behaviors.
BUT, they smoke. A lot of them smoke. Some restaurants allow smoking inside. On sunny days the cafes are jammed on the terrace with folks elbow to elbow--smoking. It was gross. They have this incredible etiquette but will blow smoke in your face or hold their cigarette away from themselves over your table. It was horrible. I began to dread going out because of the heinous smoke. What a disconnect!

But what about my smoking? Am I holding my cigarette in someone else's face? The Parisians don't even see it and maybe I don't either.
So my latest charge to you readers: Be brave enough to ask your friends about your smoke. Ask them to be frank and then do something about it! This isn't a fun assignment, like gathering jars of sunshine, but a worthy one. After all, nobody likes smoke.
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