Today was a little rough.
I have had a lot to get done lately; making preparations for our wedding, midterms, the farm, my house, the office, my kids...
I blew up on my sweetheart and was snappy to my daughter today. I know there are better things to read about on the internet, but I am getting to the good part. Today was rough, but then this afternoon it hit me. "I am supposed to be enjoying these things, not stressing about them."
So I decided to go back to enjoying life.
Yes, just like that. How many of you out there are too busy to enjoy life?
I'm planning my wedding. I'm going to enjoy it. My sweetie is getting a new office and I really love the adventure of new, so I am going to enjoy picking paints and carpets. My kids and I are moving house shortly and we get to refresh the place we are moving to before we get there. What a blessing that I have the ability physically to do all that hard work! I really mean it.

It's spring!!! Folks everywhere are manifesting the energy of spring in their lives. The call of new life is all around beckoning us to enjoy its irrepressible explosion of newness. I certainly don't want to miss out on that--do you?
I charge you, people everywhere, to wake up and decide to enjoy your day. Decide to press into everything you know to be good and lovely. You will like it and so will the people around you.
Turn your light up in the joy department.